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Trivia # 355: Asclepias curassavica

16 October, 2016
Toxicological trivia from October 16, 2016: Asclepias curassavica, commonly known as tropical milkweed, is a flowering plant species of the milkweed genus, Asclepias. It is native to the American tropics and has a pantropical distribution as an introduced species. Other common names include bloodflower or blood flower, cotton bush, hierba de la cucaracha, Mexican butterfly weed, redhead, scarlet milkweed, and wild ipecacuanha. It is grown as an ornamental garden plant and as a source of food for butterflies. Notably, it attracts members of the Danainae subfamily, such as the Monarch and the Queen. Among the medicinal properties attributed to this plant are mentioned:a) In some states of Mexico it is reported useful for the treatment of dental problems;b) It is also very common the use of latex, in external application to address various skin conditions;c) Both previous assertions are correct.
Trivia # 355: Asclepias curassavica
Flor de Asclepias curassavica
Correct answer: c. Read more in Spanish page: Asclepias curassavica
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