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Trivia # 339: Digger wasp in…

2 July, 2016
Toxicological trivia from July 02, 2016: The Vespidae are a large  (nearly 5000 species), diverse, cosmopolitan family of wasps, including nearly all the known eusocial wasps (such as Polistes fuscatus, Polistes annularis, and Vespula germanica) and many solitary wasps. In trivia # 335 we talk about nest of Vespidae.  There are over 130 species of digger wasp known. In preparation for laying eggs build a protected "nest" (some species excavate nests in the ground, while others use existing holes) and then store captured insects. Typically the prey are left alive but paralyzed by wasp toxins. The wasps lay their eggs in the provisioned nest and when they hatch the wasp larvae feed on the paralyzed insects. The sequence of photos were taken close to the Inca granaries in the Calchaquies Valles, a provincial monument of:a) Salta;b) Tucuman;c) None of the above two provinces.
Trivia # 339:  Digger wasp in...
Avispa excavadora frente a su cueva
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