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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Trivia # 323 : Hypericum II

11 March, 2016
Toxicological trivia from March 11, 2016: in our previous trivia (322) we write  about Hypericum perforatum L. (Clusiaceae) plant native to Asia, Europe and Africa.  Although Hypericum perforatum is grown commercially in some regions of south east Europe, it is listed as a noxious weed in more than twenty countries and has introduced populations in India, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, North and South America, including Argentina. he photo was taken in Bariloche Argentina. In Argentina is mentioned for example in an article from 2006: First record in Argentina of a plant-insect association with interest for biological control. T The scientific journal of the mentionated article was:a) Medicina;b) Psychological and Psychiatric Act of Latin America;c) None of the above magazines.

Trivia # 323 : Hypericum II
Hipérico, cerca de Bariloche
Correct answer: a. Read more in WP. Read also in Medicina  Vol. 71 – Nº 5 – 2011
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