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Trivia # 306: Leptophis ahaetulla

16 October, 2015
Toxicological trivia from October 16, 2015: Leptophis ahaetulla, commonly known as the lora or parrot snake, is a species of medium-sized slender snake of the Colubridae family.[3] It is endemic to Central America and northern South America.Adults may attain a total length of 172 cm (68 in), which includes a tail 59 cm (23 in) long.It feeds on:a) Lizards;b) Frogs and small birds;c) c) Both previous assertions are correct.
Trivia # 306: Leptophis ahaetulla
Leptophis ahaetulla en el zoo de Río de Janeiro
Correct answer: c. Read more in WP.
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