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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Trivia # 80: Micrurus frontalis sp

9 December, 2009
Toxicological Trivia from December 09, 2009: The frontalis Micrurus sp. one of the venomous snakes known as "Coral Snake" (See image), is decorated with very flashy colors consisting of black rings series of three (triads) separated by red rings, the rings of triads are further separated by a narrow white or yellowish ring. All these are complete rings around the body, ie, they are still in the womb. The size and hue of these rings may have some variation depending on the species considered, but its existence is what marks a first glance this species. It can be stated:
a) The most common adult measures 70 centimeter;
b) There is usually an aggressive snake;
c) Both statements are correct.
Correct answer c. Read more in Spanish monograph: Guide to prevention and treatment of venomous snakebites
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