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We need also …INTI RAYMI

24 June, 2008
Inti Raymi 2008, June 24, Lighting Ceremony, around noon (AW-time).The third annual hood fest of the ‘Festival of the Sun’ celebrates the winter solstice and a new year for the Inca. Join the Americas as it bears witness to Qosqo’s greatest festival. This year’s theme: "To torch or not to torch" – you might bring some other kinds of lighting equipment too, in case of a sudden "power failure". Everyone is Welcome! [ See and listen: http://www.ancientworlds.net/aw/Thread/1062802 ].Read more in: Inti Raimi, Festival of the Sun, Winter Solstice © 1998 by James Q. Jacobs (Image from this page).
We need also ...INTI RAYMI
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