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Trivia # 312: contaminated penguins

3 December, 2015
Toxicological trivia from December 03, 2015: In the trivia # 261 was mentioned that an oil spill caused thousands of dead of penguins at Punta Virgin, in the Strait of Magellan. Another article in Spanish from November 2012 titled; "Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of cadmium and selenium: Antarctic penguins potential toxicity" is this thesis  that have chosen these animals as objects of study "because they have some useful for monitoring polluting characteristics" because:a) They are long-lived species;b) They are located on the top of the food chain;c) Both previous assertions are correct.
Trivia # 312: contaminated penguins
Pinguinos en la playa
Correct answer: c.
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