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Treatment of OPC poisoning suicide

15 December, 2009
Suicide: Problems of treatment in OPC poisoning. Jha M, Gorea RK, Kumar R, Aggarwal AD. J Punj Acad Forens Med Toxicol 2008; 8(2): 38-39. Abstract. One of the common modes of committing suicide in developing country like India is by consuming poisons. Organophosporous compounds are a common choice due to their easy availability and almost predictable results. The problems faced by physicians treating cases of poisoning are unique. Normally there is a delay in the patient in reaching medical aid center. Persons accompanying patient don’t know which poison has been consumed. Sometimes family members who accompany the patient do not speak of poison at all because of they fear harassment by police or defamation of the family. Delays in reaching medical care, getting a correct history, making an accurate diagnosis, and starting proper treatment reduce the likelihood of survival.

Treatment of OPC poisoning suicide
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