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To advise people who have high blood pressure

9 November, 2007
Energy drinks jolt blood pressure, study finds. ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters). Nov 6, 2007. The increasingly popular high-caffeine beverages called energy drinks may do more than give people a jolt of energy — they may also boost heart rates and blood pressure levels, researchers said on Tuesday.The results of a small study prompted the researchers to advise people who have high blood pressure or heart disease to avoid energy drinks because they could impact their blood pressure or change the effectiveness of their medications.[ See ] Read more.
To advise people who have high blood pressure
See also in AHA News.11/06/2007.Energy drinks may pose risks for people with high blood pressure, heart disease. Downing an “energy drink” may boost blood pressure as well as energy, researchers said in a small study presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2007. Energy Drink – VIDEO NEWS RELEASE 
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