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The risk assessment of chemical mixtures in Europe

15 July, 2016
Chemical mixtures: debating the issues.efsa.europa.eu. June 08, 2016. Researchers, scientists, stakeholders and policymakers from around the world gathered recently to discuss issues surrounding the risk assessment of chemical mixtures in Europe. A number of innovative research projects were presented at the symposium, which was organised by EFSA and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Delegates also discussed work being carried out by EFSA and the RIVM aimed at integrating the assessment of mixtures into future decision-making on the safe use of pesticides and other regulated products.  
The risk assessment of chemical mixtures in Europe
Tobin Robinson, head of EFSA’s Scientific Committee and Emerging Risks Unit, said: “There is a lot of work going on in the area of chemical mixtures, so the symposium was a great opportunity to get an overview of who is doing what and, importantly, to discuss what we need to do next.
“Delegates also emphasised the need for greater collaboration – both within Europe and internationally – on this subject.”
He added that EFSA has just set up a working group to develop guidance aimed at harmonising methodologies for assessing the human and ecological risks posed by exposure to multiple chemicals.
A more detailed report on the EFSA-RIVM symposium is available on the RIVM website. 
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