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The rain of platanus fuzz never ends in Rosario, discussions on the subject either

4 November, 2011
Invasion of Platanus: the causes of the phenomenon and the time continue. rosario3.com. (Translate Sertox) Nov. 02, 2011. The "rain of fluff" that emerges from the acorns of these trees, and generates discomfort in several neighbors came in a "concentrated" by weather this year. Although a project that calls for the pruning of these specimens, from the direction of Parks and Hiking minimized the impact on health and denied that the presence of that kind in the city is excessive.
The rain of platanus fuzz  never ends in Rosario, discussions on the subject either
Pelusas de plátano en una calle de Rosario
Like the characters in The Eternauta to the fallout, Rosario is suffering these days the invasion of platanus lint: from the discomfort in the eyes and respiratory tract to the hairstyles crossed over the fate of dust, which after being shaken accumulates in the streets and sidewalks. For the climatic conditions of the last days, this year’s tree seed dispersal occurs more concentrated and therefore more annoying, but since the City made it clear that the species is not particularly generous of allergies as is usually pointed and denied that the quantity is excessive.

The head of Parks and Walks in Rosario, Angela Villademoros, assured to Rosario3.com that the "invasion" of platanus is a "natural phenomenon that happens every year but now is more concentrated because it rained a lot, first, and then there was heat and wind ".

These conditions helped the species to its goal of seed dispersal for reproduction, but the other side are those who suffer, especially those with allergic tendencies.

"It’s annoying no doubt," admitted Villademoros but denied that the case of a particularly dangerous to health. "Yes, it can complicate an allergic process developed by other factors, such as pollens and dust," he said.

People with lint from the acorns that hang from platanus these days off and bathe the streets in some neighborhoods the macrocentro and feel and much, protesting because the city is "full" of that species. In fact, Councilman Jorge Boasso introduced a bill last year to prune the trees in August and avoid proliferation for this date. In his presentation said the thorn, sometimes microscopic, nailed together, in the nasal mucosa or exceeds the normal barrier of the respiratory tree and lodges in the larynx or trachea, causing allergic symptoms, conjunctivitis, dry cough, very upset.

"Proper pruning, in a timely manner, avoid health problems that this species causes" Boasso argued in his project, which addressed exactly one year ago, when life was a similar problem.

However, the director of Parks and Walks on Wednesday downplayed the health impact of the phenomenon and denied that the quantity of platanus is as important as people think. "The last census of 2006 recorded 185 000 copies in total, of which 11 000 were platanus, not so much the volume," she said.

The truth is that the phenomenon of platanus fluff continue between 15 to 20 days, although the "rain" will not be constant. "It’s not even, depends on the conditions of the day," said municipal official.

The world and the platanus

Boasso had already presented in 2008 a plan of pruning and retraining. The municipality, however, faced a process of preservation of platanus four years, between 2006 and 2010. Is that most copies is planted in the early 30’s. At present there is a project to replace the species and even made an exemplary replacement boulevards.

"The platanus is a species widely used around the world in cities, but is very tolerant of urban conditions, such as the smock and resistant to storms," said Villademoros.

Sertox’s note: This family has only one genus and nine species, distributed throughout warm zones. Its allergological importance comes from its use as an ornamental tree along avenues and boulevards.

In Argentina (including Rosario), the most important is the Plane tree (Platanus hispanicus) and it is mainly located in the urban environments.

Plane tree pollen is small-medium sized (16-25 µm in diameter), spheroidal, and with a somewhat reticulated surface.

Its pollinization is explosive in early Spring, between October  and November, with peaks that can exceed 2,000 grains of pollen/m3 of air).
Photos of platanus x hispánicus in Rosario

platanos calle con platanos platanos con la barrera levantada cruce con platanos

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