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Occupational toxicol

Skin decontamination immediately after fighting a fire may help reduce exposure to carcinogens


Firefighters Exposed to Carcinogens Through the Skin. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov.*  October 18, 2017. Immediate decontamination might help reduce harms of contact with hazardous chemicals, study suggests. Firefighters face many known hazards on the job, but one area that hasn’t been well researched is how their skin’s exposure to hazardous chemicals might increase their risk […]

Pesticide exposure may change the makeup of bacteria in the mouths of farm workers, study


Pesticide Exposures May Alter Mouth Bacteria. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov.* November 28, 2016. Study of Washington farm workers finds alterations persist after growing season ends. Pesticide exposure may change the makeup of bacteria in the mouths of farm workers, a new study finds.Researchers at the University of Washington analyzed swabs taken from the mouths of […]

Study recommends closer monitoring of the hookah bar industry to protect the public


NYU research: Secondhand smoke hazardous to hookah bar workers. eurekalert.org. January 25, 2016. Study recommends closer monitoring of the hookah bar industry to protect the public. This is the finding of the study, "Secondhand hookah smoke: an occupational hazard for hookah bar employees," led by researchers at New York University’s College of Global Public Health […]

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Elevated blood lead levels among employed adults in US


Elevated Blood Lead Levels Among Employed Adults — United States, 1994–2012. By Walter A. Alarcon (State Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES) Program investigators) .cdc.gov. October 23, 2015 / 62(54);52-75. Preface: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and state health departments collect data on laboratory-reported adult blood lead levels (BLLs). This […]

New study about adverse effects of varenicline


Chantix Study Finds Little Evidence to Support Suicidal, Criminal Warnings. nlm.nih.gov. June 03, 2015. But quit-smoking drug may be linked to other adverse effects. The quit-smoking drug Chantix (varenicline) doesn’t increase the risk of suicidal behavior, mental illness, criminal acts or traffic accidents, European researchers say. A study of more than 69,000 Swedes who used […]

Work-related asthma affects millions of US adults: CDC


CDC Highlights Prevalence of Work-Related Asthma. Por Leonor Mateus Ferreira. lungdiseasenews.com. April 13, 2015.  Asthma associated with work is not typically a high-profile topic in the news, but it affects 16% of all American adults, according to the results of the new Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

US: children with acute nicotine poisoning, also known as green tobacco sickness, in tobacco farming


Tobacco farming: Child labour under the spotlight in US nicotine production.news.com.au. March 20, 2015. THEY are not legally old enough to even buy a packet of cigarettes, yet workers as young as 12 are being slowly poisoned by nicotine.But they are not smokers, instead they are getting sick from working on tobacco farms. The numbers […]

Changes in kidney function among Nicaraguan sugarcane workers, study


Occupational link in kidney disease epidemic in Central America. sciencedaily.com. February 2, 2015. Summary:Sugarcane workers in northwestern Nicaragua experienced a decline in kidney function during the harvest, with field workers at greatest risk, suggesting that heat stress or other occupational factors may be playing a role in the high rates of chronic kidney disease in […]

Exposure of hairdressers to ortho- and meta-toluidine in hair dyes


Hair Dyes May Still Cause Cancer: Known Carcinogens Found In Hairdressers’ Blood. By Anthony Rivas. medicaldaily.com. June 09, 2014. With over 5,000 chemicals in a hair dye product — they’re powerful, after all — some of them were bound to have some harmful effects. In the late 1970s, scientists discovered that 89 percent of formulations […]

Time may not fully attenuate solvent-associated cognitive deficits in highly exposed workers, study


Workplace Solvents Linked to Long-Term Memory, Thinking Problems. nlm.nih.gov. May 12, 2014. Study of French retirees shows those exposed even decades ago scored worse on tests.A new study of French power company retirees finds that those who were exposed to solvents and benzene on the job — even decades earlier — were more likely to […]

US:more action is needed to reduce illness and death among Americans exposed to silica dust at work


Workers Need More Protection From Silica Dust, Report Finds. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov. December 10, 2013. Risk is greatest for those in construction industry.  More action is needed to reduce illness and death among the millions of Americans exposed to silica dust at work, according to a new report. It has long been known that […]

Virginia Tech: a helmet to protect construction workers from carbon monoxide poisoning


Equipping a construction helmet with a sensor can detect the onset of carbon monoxide poisoning. By Lynn Nystrom. eng.vt.edu. August 17, 2013. Jason B. Forsyth, right, of Durham, N.C., and a Ph.D. candidate in computer engineering, places a wearable computing system on a helmet to protect construction workers from carbon monoxide poisoning. The work garnered […]

Chronic exposure of industry workers to diacetyl & possibility of long-term neurological toxicity


Chronic ‘Butter Flavoring’ Exposure Linked to Harmful Brain Process. By Mary Elizabeth Dallas. nlm.nih.gov. August 6, 2012. Working with diacetyl may raise risk of proteins clumping in the brain, similar to Alzheimer’s: study. Chronic exposure to an artificial butter flavoring ingredient, known as diacetyl, may worsen the harmful effects of a protein in the brain […]

Chronic exposure of industry workers to diacetyl & possibility of long-term neurological toxicity


Chronic ‘Butter Flavoring’ Exposure Linked to Harmful Brain Process. By Mary Elizabeth Dallas. nlm.nih.gov. August 6, 2012. Working with diacetyl may raise risk of proteins clumping in the brain, similar to Alzheimer’s: study. Chronic exposure to an artificial butter flavoring ingredient, known as diacetyl, may worsen the harmful effects of a protein in the brain […]

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