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Nitrogen compounds

A unique historical case to understand the present sustainable development: Ammonia synthesis


Ammonia synthesis: the greatest innovation of the 20th century. An exceptional compound with two sides. By Enrique Sacristán. agenciasinc.es. August 01,  2018.In addition to being a well-known cleaning product, ammonia is essential in the manufacture of fertilizers that, equally, are necessary to produce food for livestock and mankind. The chemical process to synthesize this nitrogenous […]

The nitrogen legacy: emerging evidence of nitrogen accumulation in anthropogenic landscapes


Fertilizer applied to fields today will pollute water for decades.sciencedaily.com. March 14, 2016. Summary: Dangerous nitrate levels in drinking water could persist for decades, increasing the risk for blue baby syndrome and other serious health concerns, according to a new study.Dangerous nitrate levels in drinking water could persist for decades, increasing the risk for blue […]

Sodium nitrite is being tested to poison feral pigs by USDA-US: a good idea?


Sodium nitrite that’s used to kill wild pigs also cures bacon, jerky, hot dogs.examiner.com. June 22, 2014. The chemical used to cure bacon, beef jerky, some hot dogs, and various types of deli meats, sodium nitrite, has been approved as a poison to use to dispatch wild pigs that eat food from people’s yards and […]

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