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Pathology of vaping-associated lung injury, study


Vaping-associated lung injury may be caused by toxic chemical fumes, study finds. sciencedaily.com. October 02, 2019. Summary: Research into the pathology of vaping-associated lung injury is in its early stages, but a study finds that lung injuries from vaping most likely are caused by direct toxicity or tissue damage from noxious chemical fumes. Cigarrillo electrónico […]

E-cigarettes are not safe


E-cigarettes: Smoking Cessation Aid or Dangerous Addiction? By Anna Sayburn. medscape.com. September 10, 2019. Recent reports of a death in the US linked to vaping, and of almost 200 cases of lung disease, have caused alarm about the widespread use of e-cigarettes. Cigarrillo electrónico en uso (elmundo.es) Director of the US Centers for Disease Control […]

Association of smoking cessation with subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease, study


Quitting smoking associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease. sciencedaily.com. August 20, 2019. Summary: Heavy cigarette smokers with at least a 20 pack-year smoking history can reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by 39% within five years if they quit, according to a new study Fumando espero… (Sertox) Heavy cigarette smokers with at least […]

Parental smoking were linked to an increased risk of hearts birth defects


Smoking Around Expectant Moms Can Harm Babies’ Hearts. By  Robert Preidt. healthday.com.  March 24, 2019. Fathers-to-be who expose their pregnant partners to secondhand smoke put their babies at risk of heart defects, researchers warn. For the new study, investigators in China reviewed 125 studies that included a total of nearly 9 million prospective parents and […]

What works to help teens that get hooked on vaping to quit


As Millions of Teens Get Hooked on Vaping, What Works to Help Them Quit? By Dennis Thompson. consumer.healthday.com. January 31, 2019. E-cigarette use is surging among American teenagers, with millions of kids flirting with nicotine addiction by regularly vaping. Cigarrillo electrónico en uso (elmundo.es) Unfortunately, these kids are going to face a rocky road if […]

Biomolecular archaeology reveals ancient origins of indigenous tobacco smoking in North American


Interior northwest Nez Perce used tobacco long before European contact. sciencedaily.com. October 29, 2018. Molecular analysis of pipes uncovers longest record of use. Summary: Researchers have determined that the Nez Perce grew and smoked tobacco at least 1,200 years ago, long before the arrival of traders and settlers from the eastern United States. Their finding […]

Toxic metals and rare earth elements in non-smokers,cigarette smokers and electronic cigarette users


The electronic cigarette is not free from toxic elements. By Adeline Marcos.  agenciasinc.es. October 23, 2018. Tobacco is one of the main sources of toxic substances in the human body. Many people opt for the alternative, the electronic cigarette, to avoid health risks. But a new study reveals that vaping entails the inhalation of inorganic elements, especially rare […]

Potentially dangerous levels of metals leak from some e-cigarette heating coils, study


Lead and other toxic metals found in e-cigarette ‘vapors’. sciencedaily.com. February 21, 2018. Potentially dangerous levels of metals leak from some e-cigarette heating coils. Summary: Significant amounts of toxic metals, including lead, leak from some e-cigarette heating coils and are present in the aerosols inhaled by users. Cigarrillo electrónico en uso (elmundo.es) Significant amounts of […]

Cinnamon, vanilla and buttery e-cigarette flavors are among the most toxic


E-cigarette flavors are toxic to white blood cells, warn scientists. eurekalert.org. January 30, 2018. Cinnamon, vanilla and buttery e-cigarette flavors are among the most toxic — and mixing flavors is more damaging than vaping just one.Sugar and spice are not so nice, at least when it comes to vaping or inhalation. Exposure to e-cigarette flavoring […]

Smoking Kills,emblazoned right on a cigarette may help young people avoid the deadly habit


Stamping ‘Smoking Kills’ on Cigarettes May Keep Teens From the Habit. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov. December 18, 2017. A grim reminder — "Smoking Kills" — emblazoned right on a cigarette may help young people avoid the deadly habit. That’s the conclusion of a new study involving nearly 1,000 British 16- to 24-year-olds. Participants — including […]

Even after years of smoking, the body has a remarkable ability to repair itself


Smokers who quit have metabolite levels that resemble those of nonsmokers. sciencedaily.com. September 20, 2017. Even after years of smoking, the body has a remarkable ability to repair itself. Now in a study shows that certain metabolic changes occur soon after quitting, and thesEven after years of smoking, the body has a remarkable ability to […]

E-cigarettes can help smokers quit, but if they discard tobacco in favor of vaping nearly every day


E-Cigs May Help Smokers Quit, But … … Only if vaping is done 2 of every 3 days a month, study finds. medlineplus.gov.* August 31, 2017. E-cigarettes can help smokers quit, but only if they discard tobacco in favor of vaping nearly every day, a new study suggests.Former smokers are nearly three times more likely […]

People recovering from drug abuse are more likely to be successful if they do not smoke cigarettes


Smoking Slows Recovery From Drug Abuse. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov. March 27, 201. People who smoke cigarettes more likely to relapse after battling drug addiction. People recovering from illicit drug abuse are more likely to be successful if they don’t smoke cigarettes, a new study finds.Most illicit drug users also smoke cigarettes, but many substance […]

A case study highlights the danger liquid nicotine for electronic cigarettes poses to children


Kids Landing in ERs After Drinking Parents’E-Cig Nicotine Liquid. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov. December 27, 2016. In one case, a 6-year-old wound up in intensive care.A case study highlights the danger liquid nicotine for electronic cigarettes poses to children. Doctors in Oregon described the case of a 6-year-old girl who accidentally swallowed liquid nicotine used […]

You are never too old to reap the health benefits of quitting smoking, a new study finds


It’s Never Too Late to Stop Smoking. medlineplus.gov.* November 30, 2016. Even quitting in your 60s can add years to your life, researchers find.  You’re never too old to reap the health benefits of quitting smoking, a new study finds. "Even participants who quit smoking as recently as in their 60s were 23 percent less […]

All smokers face a higher risk of heart attack, but the threat is more high among those under 50


Smoking Raises Heart Attack Risk 8-Fold in People Under 50. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov. November 30, 2016. At all ages, the habit boosted odds for heart trouble, but younger people fared the worst, study found. All smokers face a higher risk of heart attack, but the threat is particularly high among those under 50, a […]

Flavoring compounds dominate toxic aldehyde production during e-cigarette vaping, study


Hazardous chemicals discovered in flavored e-cigarette vapor. sciencedaily.com. November 10, 2016. Scienti. Summary:Building on more than 30 years of air quality research in some of the most polluted urban environments on Earth, a team of atmospheric scientists has turned their attention toward the growing e-cigarette industry and the unidentified effects of vaping on human health. […]

Teens who regularly vape e-cigs are more likely to become frequent and heavy cigarette smokers


E-Cigs Tied to More Frequent, Heavier Teen Tobacco Use. medlineplus.gov.* November 8, 2016. But vaping group contends the electronic devices lower smoking rates.  Teens who regularly "vape" e-cigarettes are more likely to become frequent and heavy cigarette smokers, new research finds. A survey of students at 10 Los Angeles County public schools found that teens […]

Smokeless tobacco called snus may increase a prostate cancer patient’s risk of death, study


Smokeless Tobacco Product Tied to Higher Risk of Prostate Cancer Death. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov.* October 14, 2016. Safety of snus use called into question. Smokeless tobacco called snus may increase a prostate cancer patient’s risk of death, according to a new study."Snus has been suggested as a less harmful alternative to smoking because it […]

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