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Pneumonia in perinatal dolphins during the Northern Gulf of Mexico unusual mortality event


Fetal and newborn dolphin deaths linked to Deepwater Horizon oil spill. sciencedaily.com. April 12, 2016. Summary: Scientists have finalized a study of newborn and fetal dolphins found stranded on beaches in the northern Gulf of Mexico between 2010 and 2013. The study team identified substantial differences between fetal and newborn dolphins found stranded inside and […]

Systematic evaluation of chemicals in hydraulic-fracturing fluids for toxicity


Toxins found in fracking fluids and wastewater, study shows. sciencedaily.com. January 06, 2016.Summary: In an analysis of more than 1,000 chemicals in fluids used in and created by hydraulic fracturing (fracking), researchers found that many of the substances have been linked to reproductive and developmental health problems, and the majority had undetermined toxicity due to […]

Reproductive outcome and survival of dolphins sampled following theDeepwater Horizonoil spill


Births down and deaths up in Gulf dolphins. sciencedaily.com. November 04, 2015.Study looks at impacts of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Summary: Scientists are reporting a high rate of reproductive failure in dolphins exposed to oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill. The team has monitored these bottlenose dolphins in heavily oiled Barataria Bay for five years […]

Crude oil interferes with fish heart cells, study


Mechanism of crude oil heart toxicity on fish revealed from oil spill research. sciencedaily.com. February 13, 2014. Summary:While studying the impact of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill on tuna, a research team discovered that crude oil interrupts a molecular pathway that allows fish heart cells to beat effectively. The components of the pathway are present […]

Deep-sea life may not recover for decades, after BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico, study


BP spill damaged sea-floor life for 57 square miles, recovery may take decades or longer. By Ryan Gorman. dailymail.co.uk. September 25, 2013.Damage from the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico extends almost 60-square-miles from the blown-out wellThe extent of damage was determined by taking sediment samples over a two month span in […]

The incidence of a type of blood cancer is significantly higher near facilities that release benzene


Higher cancer incidences found in regions near refineries and plants that release benzene. eurekalert.org. July 29, 2013.  The incidence of a particular type of blood cancer is significantly higher in regions near facilities that release the chemical benzene into the environment. That is the conclusion of a new study published early online in CANCER, a […]

An international study links trichloroethylene to Parkinson’s disease


Study links Parkinson’s disease to industrial solvent. By Neil Bowdler, BBC News, November 14, 2011.An international study has linked an industrial solvent to Parkinson’s disease.Researchers found a six-fold increase in the risk of developing Parkinson’s in individuals exposed in the workplace to trichloroethylene (TCE). Although many uses for TCE have been banned around the world, […]

An international study links trichloroethylene to Parkinson’s disease


Study links Parkinson’s disease to industrial solvent. By Neil Bowdler, BBC News, November 14, 2011.An international study has linked an industrial solvent to Parkinson’s disease.Researchers found a six-fold increase in the risk of developing Parkinson’s in individuals exposed in the workplace to trichloroethylene (TCE). Although many uses for TCE have been banned around the world, […]

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