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Potential dangers when using drugs to treat COVID-19 that can cause heart rhythm changes

Microscopy image showing SARS-CoV-2

Patients at risk of drug-induced sudden cardiac death in COVID-19. sciencedaily.com. March 25, 2020. Summary: SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, continues to spread, leading to more than 20,000 deaths worldwide in less than four months. Efforts are progressing to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, but it’s still likely 12 to 18 months away. SARS-CoV-2, the […]

Fluoride exposure alters Ca2 signaling and mitochondrial function in enamel cells, study


How too much fluoride causes defects in tooth enamel. sciencedaily.com. February 18, 2020. Changes within enamel cells point to mechanism by which excessive fluoride leads to fluorosis. Summary: Exposing teeth to excessive fluoride alters calcium signaling, mitochondrial function, and gene expression in the cells forming tooth enamel — a novel explanation for how dental fluorosis, […]

Better analgesic effect of crotoxin by encapsulating it in nanostructured silica, study


Novel formulation permits use of toxin from rattlesnake venom to treat chronic pain. eurekalert.org. February 14, 2020. Researchers Butantan Institute succeeded in reducing the toxicity and potentiating the analgesic effect of crotoxin by encapsulating it in nanostructured silica — the results of tests in an animal model of neuropathic pain are promising. CAPTION Crotoxin, extracted […]

Tropical snake diversity collapses after widespread amphibian loss, study


Disappearing snakes and the biodiversity crisis. sciencedaily.com. February 13, 2020. Summary: A new study should sound alarm bells regarding the ‘biodiversity crisis’ or the loss of wildlife around the world. Tropical snake (eyelash viper) (stock image). Credit: © ondrejprosicky / Adobe Stock A Michigan State University- and University of Maryland-led study should sound alarm bells regarding […]

Identification of bioactive compounds from fungi using zebrafish embryogenesis as read-out, study


Using fungi to search for medical drugs. sciencedaily.com. November 26, 2019. Summary: An enormous library of products derived from more than 10,000 fungi could help us find new drugs. Researchers have set up this library and screened it for biologically active compounds. The researchers identified various known compounds, among which the cholesterol lowering drug lovastatin. […]

Mercury trade in Indonesia, a business intertwined with the lucrative and illegal production of gold


The hidden cost of gold: Birth defects and brain damage. By Richard C. Paddock. nytimes.com. November 09, 2019. Thousands of children with crippling birth defects. Half a million people poisoned. A toxic chemical found in the food supply. Accusations of a government cover-up and police officers on the take. La balsa en el Museo del […]

The concurrent decline of soil lead and blood lead of children in New Orleans, study


Study finds topsoil is key harbinger of lead exposure risks for children. sciencedaily.com. October 14, 2019. Summary: Tracking lead levels in soil over time is critical for cities to determine lead contamination risks for their youngest and most vulnerable residents, according to a new study.Tracking lead levels in soil over time is critical for cities […]

DFDT: Manipulating solid forms of contact insecticides for infectious disease prevention


Fast-acting German insecticide lost in the aftermath of WWII Fluoridated DDT swiftly kills disease-carrying mosquitoes, which may lower its environmental impact — but its history is alarming. sciencedaily.com. October 11, 2019. Summary: A new study explores the chemistry as well as the complicated and alarming history of DFDT, a fast-acting insecticide. Mosquito picando (Sertox) A […]

Environmental contamination from E-cigarette, cigarette, Cigar, and cannabis products


E-cigarettes, tobacco and cannabis products are littering high schools. sciencedaily.com. October 10, 2019. Summary: High schools in the San Francisco Bay area are being contaminated by plastics and toxic litter from e-cigarettes, cannabis products and combustible tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigarillos, a new study has found.High schools in the San Francisco Bay Area […]

Pathology of vaping-associated lung injury, study


Vaping-associated lung injury may be caused by toxic chemical fumes, study finds. sciencedaily.com. October 02, 2019. Summary: Research into the pathology of vaping-associated lung injury is in its early stages, but a study finds that lung injuries from vaping most likely are caused by direct toxicity or tissue damage from noxious chemical fumes. Cigarrillo electrónico […]

Lead chromate pigments added to turmeric threaten public health across Bangladesh, study


Neurotoxin lead sometimes added to turmeric for brighter color. sciencedaily.com. September 24, 2019- Summary: Some spice processors in Bangladesh use an industrial lead chromate pigment to imbue turmeric with a bright yellow color prized for curries and other traditional dishes, elevating blood lead levels in Bangladeshis. Curcuma en polvo (Sertox) It’s billed as a health […]

Global trends in antimicrobial resistance in animals in low- and middle-income countries, study


Antimicrobial resistance is drastically rising. sciencedaily.com. September 19, 2019. Summary: Researchers have shown that antimicrobial-resistant infections are rapidly increasing in animals in low and middle income countries. They produced the first global of resistance rates, and identified regions where interventions are urgently needed. Pollos corriendo (Sertox) Chickens (stock image).Credit: © Alexbedoya / Adobe StockThe world is […]

Antibiotic resistance among bacteria isolated from common bottlenose dolphins in Florida


Antibiotic resistance surges in dolphins, mirroring humans. 13 years of antibiotic resistance trends in bottlenose dolphins. sciencedaily.com. September 15, 2019. Summary: Scientists obtained a total of 733 pathogen isolates from 171 individual wild Bottlenose dolphins in Florida and found that the overall prevalence of resistance to at least one antibiotic for the 733 isolates was […]

E-cigarettes are not safe


E-cigarettes: Smoking Cessation Aid or Dangerous Addiction? By Anna Sayburn. medscape.com. September 10, 2019. Recent reports of a death in the US linked to vaping, and of almost 200 cases of lung disease, have caused alarm about the widespread use of e-cigarettes. Cigarrillo electrónico en uso (elmundo.es) Director of the US Centers for Disease Control […]

A neonicotinoid insecticide reduces fueling and delays migration in songbirds, study


Controversial insecticides shown to threaten survival of wild birds. sciencedaily.com. September 12, 2019. Summary: New research shows how the world’s most widely used insecticides could be partly responsible for dramatic declines in farmland bird populations. In the first experiment to track effects of a neonicotinoid pesticide on birds in the wild, the team found that […]

High pollutant exposure level of the largest European community of bottlenose dolphins


Environment: Pollutants found in skin and blubber of English Channel dolphins. eurekalert.org. September 12, 2019. High levels of pollutants, such as industrial fluids and mercury, may have accumulated in the blubber and skin of one of the largest coastal populations of dolphins in Europe, a study in Scientific Reports indicates. Mercury concentrations found in 82 […]

Oral fluoroquinolones and risk of mitral and aortic regurgitation, study


Commonly used antibiotics may lead to heart problems. sciencedaily.com. September 10, 2019. Summary: Scientists have shown for the first time a link between two types of heart problems and one of the most commonly prescribed classes of antibiotics. (Sertox) Antibiotic pills illustration (stock image).Credit: © pictoores / Adobe StockScientists have shown for the first time a […]

Dermatological progression of a probable box jellyfish sting


Unique report details dermatological progression and effective treatment of a severe jellyfish sting. sciencedaily.com, September 5, 2019. Summary: A detailed case report documents the dermatological progression of a patient stung by a jellyfish off the coast of Cambodia. The aim of this report is to guide clinicians and patients to understand what to expect after […]

Scorpion toxin can be used as a tool for studying chronic pain and inflammation


Scorpion toxin that targets ‘wasabi receptor’ may help solve mystery of chronic pain. sciencedaily.com. August 22, 2019. Summary: Researchers have discovered a scorpion toxin that targets the ‘wasabi receptor,’ a chemical-sensing protein found in nerve cells that’s responsible for the sinus-jolting sting of wasabi. Because the toxin triggers a pain response, scientists think it can […]

Association of smoking cessation with subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease, study


Quitting smoking associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease. sciencedaily.com. August 20, 2019. Summary: Heavy cigarette smokers with at least a 20 pack-year smoking history can reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by 39% within five years if they quit, according to a new study Fumando espero… (Sertox) Heavy cigarette smokers with at least […]

Binge alcohol is more injurious to liver in female than in male rats, study


Binge drinking may be more damaging to women. sciencedaily.com. August 19, 2019. Female rats more susceptible to liver injury after three binge drinking episodes. Summary: In a recently published study examining the effects of binge drinking on rats, researchers discovered that female rats who were of equal age and weight to male rats were more […]

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