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RETEL with Ukrainian translation


Sofya Kravchuk, Ukraine. December 17, 2011. It was a pleasure to translate your  publication RETEL to  Ukrainian  language.  It’s related to my professional interests, so I thought – why not, if the author allows to do so.?Posted my translation on the blog: http://webhostinggeeks.com/science/contentpa-showpage-ukAnswer by Sertox: Thank you very much, Sofya. Retel has its own life, […]

RETEL with Ukrainian translation


Sofya Kravchuk, Ukraine. December 17, 2011. It was a pleasure to translate your  publication RETEL to  Ukrainian  language.  It’s related to my professional interests, so I thought – why not, if the author allows to do so.?Posted my translation on the blog: http://webhostinggeeks.com/science/contentpa-showpage-ukAnswer by Sertox: Thank you very much, Sofya. Retel has its own life, […]

Free book: The Fire Dogs of Climate Change


The Fire Dogs of Climate Change – An inspirational call to action. August 2009. This climate action book contains stories, fact sheets and examples from around the world – of political action, sustainable living and technology – to inspire your heart, mind and hands to take action.  It is suitable for adults and youth.To download […]

A new paper from Javier Waksman


Contrast Sensitivity in Occupational and Environmental Neurotoxicology: What Does it Really Mean?. Waksman JC, Brody A.Arch Environ Occup Health. 2007 Winter;62(4):177-81. Abstract: Contrast sensitivity (CS) emerged more than 30 years ago as an alternative to traditional acuity testing, and recently it has become the focus of attention in the field of neurotoxicology. CS testing may […]

Thanks to WHO


For send us by mail two recents publications: Rabies and Envenomings. A Neglected Public Health Issue: Report of a Consultative Meeting Nonserial Publication. 10 Jamuary 2007.  See summary in  WHO web. Image from this place. WHO guidelines for assessing safety and quality of herbal medicines with reference to. contaminants and residues. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2007. 105 […]

New paper from Javier


Silicosis: A Review. Michael I. Greenberg, Javier Waksman, and John Curtis. Dis Mon 2007;53:394-416. Silicosis is a potentially fatal, irreversible, fibrotic pulmonary disease that may develop subsequent to the inhalation of large amounts of silica dust over time. In most circumstances, silicosis only develops subsequent to substantial occupational exposures. The disease has a long latency […]

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