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Openfoodtox database updated, by European Food Safety Authority


Openfoodtox: over 300 substances added to EFSA chemical hazards database. efsa.europa.eu. July 19, 2018. EFSA’s OpenFoodTox database on chemical hazards now includes data on over 4,750 chemical substances following the addition of 321 substances. The database is also more accessible now thanks to an improved interface with more features for exploring the data.OpenFoodTox access via […]

10 Shocking Facts About Plastic Pollution


Earth day 2018. End plastic pollution. earthday.org. March 07, 2018. 10 Shocking Facts About Plastic Pollution. Plastic pollution is killing our planet, and plastic pollution is killing us. It’s choking our oceans, poisoning our food and water supply, and wreaking havoc on the health and well-being of humans and wildlife worldwide. Use these ten shocking […]

Integrating mercury research and policy in a changing world


Scientists call for global and local control and management of mercury. eurekalert.org. February 02, 2018. The risks, mechanisms and implications of mercury pollution are summarized in a special issue in the journal Ambio. Mercury is a complex, multifaceted contaminant which can take many different forms. It is poisonous to humans and wildlife and damaging to […]

Patients who receive opioids at lower doses are less likely to progress to long term use


ERs Prescribing Opioids at Lower Doses, Shorter Durations. By Mary Elizabeth Dallas. medlineplus.gov.* September 26, 2017. Patients who receive these prescriptions are less likely to progress to long-term use, study shows. Emergency room doctors write lower-dose, shorter-term prescriptions for opioids than other doctors do, new research shows. The study, led by scientists at the Mayo […]

CDC: death rate from drug overdoses more than doubled, and from opioids more than tripled


Opioid ODs Have Cut Into U.S. Life Expectancy: CDC. medlineplus.gov.* September 20, 2017. Doctors must start treating addiction, expert says.Rising death rates from opioid abuse are chipping away at Americans’ life spans, a U.S. government study finds.Between 2000 and 2015, researchers found, U.S. life expectancy increased overall — from nearly 77 years to 79 years.But […]

EFSA report copied and pasted analyses from a Monsanto study


EU report on weedkiller safety copied text from Monsanto study. By Arthur Neslen. theguardian.com.September 15, 2017. EU’s food safety watchdog recommended that glyphosate was safe but pages of report were identical to application from pesticide maker.The European food safety authority (Efsa) based a recommendation that a chemical linked to cancer was safe for public use on […]

FDA: grapefruit juice could be a dangerous combination with some medications


A Reminder That Meds and Grapefruit Don’t Always Mix. By Robert Preidt.medlineplus.gov.* July 23, 2017.  Could be a dangerous combination, depending on the drug. If you like grapefruit juice, you need to be aware that it can affect the way some medications work, especially those used to treat high blood pressure or an irregular heart […]

CDC has recommended a three-day limit on prescription opioid painkillers for patients


When Is an Opioid Safe to Take?medlineplus.gov. une 26, 2017. Doctors say it can treat intense pain, but patients should stay on the drug for shortest time possible.Many people in pain are apprehensive about taking an opioid painkiller to ease their suffering, and rightfully so.Widespread use of opioids for pain has led to an epidemic […]

The American Academy of Pediatrics is urging doctors to protect children from the harms of marijuana


As Pot Legalization Advances, Pediatricians Warn of Dangers. By Randy Dotinga. medlineplus.gov.  February 27, 2017. Marijuana isn’t benign, child health experts contend. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is urging doctors to protect children from the harms of marijuana as the nation becomes increasingly tolerant of the drug’s use. Hoja de marihuana (Sertox) "Marijuana is […]

General anesthetic may harm the developing brains of fetuses and children younger than 3 years old


FDA Issues Anesthesia Warning for Pregnant Women, Kids Under 3. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov December 14, 2016. A long time under or repeated episodes of sedation may pose risk to developing brains, agency says. Repeated or lengthy use — longer than three hours — of general anesthetic and sedation drugs may harm the developing brains […]

There are a number of questions you should ask if a doctor prescribes opioid painkillers, FDA says


What You Need to Know When Prescribed an Opioid Painkiller. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov.*  December 12, 2016. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your family has a substance abuse problem. There are a number of questions you should ask if a doctor or other health care provider prescribes opioid painkillers such as Oxycontin, Vicodin, […]

Taking multiple medications and supplements could cause serious problems to older people


How Older People Can Head Off Dangerous Drug Interactions. By Mary Elizabeth Dallas. medlineplus.gov. September 24, 2016. Taking multiple medications and supplements could cause serious problems, FDA warns. Potentially serious drug interactions are a daily threat to older people who take multiple medications and supplements, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.One drug can […]

FDA warns of fatal risks from mixing opioids and sedatives


Mixing Opioids and Tranquilizers Can Be Deadly, FDA Warns. By Maggie Fox.nbcnews.com. August 31, 2016. More and more people have died from mixing strong painkillers with tranquilizers like Xanax, leading federal health officials to strengthen warnings against doing so. People who mix opioids with the sedatives can suffer from breathing problems, which can lead to […]

Cases of neonatal opioid abstinence syndrome quadrupled between 1999 and 2013, CDC says


Steep Rise in U.S. Babies Born to Opioid-Addicted Mothers. By E.J. Mundell. medlineplus.gov.*  August 11, 2016. Cases of ‘neonatal abstinence syndrome’ quadrupled between 1999 and 2013, CDC says.  Triggered by a national epidemic of opioid painkiller abuse, the number of babies born with opioid withdrawal symptoms quadrupled in the United States between 1999 and 2013. […]

FDA banning e-cigarette sales to minors in US


Starting Monday, FDA Banning E-Cigarette Sales to Minors. medlineplus.gov. August 08, 2016. Agency also details other retail restrictions on access to vaping products.The sale of e-cigarettes to minors will be banned starting Monday, as part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s long-awaited plan to extend the agency’s regulatory powers across all tobacco products.Read also: […]

FDA warns that some skin products contain mercury and pose a threat to your health


FDA: Anti-Aging, Skin-Lightening Products May Contain Mercury. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov.* August 04, 2016. How you can eliminate the health risk to you and your family.Some skin products contain mercury and pose a threat to your health, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns. It’s important to check labels of skin creams, soaps and lotions. […]

One in five Americans still smokes or uses hookahs, e-cigarettes or other tobacco products


1 in 5 Americans Uses a Tobacco Product. By Margaret Farley Steele. medlineplus.gov. July 14, 2016. CDC report raises concerns about e-cigarettes, hookahs. Despite decades of declines in smoking rates in the United States, one in five Americans still smokes or uses hookahs, e-cigarettes or other tobacco products, U.S. health officials reported Thursday. Cigarettes remain […]

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