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Subjective responses to alcohol and development of alcohol use disorder


Increase in pleasurable effects of alcohol over time can predict alcohol use disorder. sciencedaily.com. January 05, 2021. New research challenges existing dogma that higher tolerance for stimulating and rewarding effects of alcohol leads to addiction. Summary: A new study following young adult drinkers for 10 years has found that individuals who reported the highest sensitivity […]

Binge alcohol is more injurious to liver in female than in male rats, study


Binge drinking may be more damaging to women. sciencedaily.com. August 19, 2019. Female rats more susceptible to liver injury after three binge drinking episodes. Summary: In a recently published study examining the effects of binge drinking on rats, researchers discovered that female rats who were of equal age and weight to male rats were more […]

Conventional and genetic evidence on alcohol and vascular disease aetiology, study


Even low alcohol consumption is bad news for strokes – study. theguardian.com. April 05, 2019. Moderate drinking of one or two glasses a day does not protect against stroke, say researchers. A low level of alcohol consumption does not protect against stroke, new research suggests, in the latest blow to the idea that a few […]

Study among the first to suggest moderate drinking harms, rather than protects, heart health


Moderate alcohol consumption linked with high blood pressure. sciencedaily.com. March 7, 2019. Study among the first to suggest moderate drinking harms, rather than protects, heart health. Summary: A study of more than 17,000 US adults shows that moderate alcohol consumption — seven to 13 drinks per week — substantially raises one’s risk of high blood […]

Changes in genes are associated with greater subjective and behavioral motivation for alcohol


Heavy drinking may change DNA, leading to increased craving for alcohol. sciencedaily.com. January 29, 2019. Genetic vicious cycle may reinforce risky drinking behavior.Summary: Binge and heavy drinking may trigger a long-lasting genetic change, resulting in an even greater craving for alcohol, according to a new study. ‘Binge drinking’: una sóla no alcanza (Sertox) Binge and […]

Taurine modulates acute ethanol induced social behavioral deficits in adult zebrafish


Mixing energy drinks with alcohol could enhance the negative effects of binge drinking. sciencedaily.com. August 14, 2018. Summary: A key ingredient of energy drinks could be exacerbating some of the negative effects of binge drinking according to a new study. Danio rerio (WP) A key ingredient of energy drinks could be exacerbating some of the […]

Risk thresholds for alcohol consumption, study in Lancet


Consuming more than five drinks a week could shorten your life. sciencedaily.com. April 13, 2018. Even moderate alcohol drinking linked to heart and circulatory diseases, study finds. Summary: Regularly drinking more than the recommended UK guidelines for alcohol could take years off your life, according to new research. The study shows that drinking more alcohol […]

Contribution of alcohol use disorders to the burden of dementia in France 2008–13, study


Largest study of its kind finds alcohol use biggest risk factor for dementia. sciencedaily.com. February 20, 2018. Summary: Alcohol use disorders are the most important preventable risk factors for the onset of all types of dementia, especially early-onset dementia. This according to a nationwide observational study of over one million adults diagnosed with dementia in […]

Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in 4 US Communities, study


Children affected by prenatal drinking more numerous than previously estimated. eurekalert.org. February 06, 2018. Findings suggest rates of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders may be similar to autism spectrum disorders. Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine found a significant number of children across four regions in the United States were determined to […]

Two commonly used drugs can repair damage caused by alcohol in utero, study


Reversing fetal alcohol damage after birth: Study offers hope. sciencedaily.com. July 18, 2017. Two commonly used drugs can repair damage caused by alcohol in utero. Two commonly used drugs erased the learning and memory deficits caused by fetal alcohol exposure when the drugs were given after birth, thus potentially identifying a treatment for the disorder, […]

Fatal US Crashes:deaths due to drugged driving are rising as states legalize pot and drug abuse grow


Drugs Now Involved in More Fatal U.S. Crashes Than Alcohol Alone. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov. April 27, 2017. Study suggests deaths due to drugged driving are rising as states legalize pot and drug abuse grow. In vehicle crashes that claim American lives, illicit drugs are now more likely to have played a role than the […]

About 119,000 children worldwide are born each year with fetal alcohol syndrome


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome a Global Problem: Report. By Robert Preidt. medline.plus. January 17, 2017. Countries with highest alcohol use during pregnancy include Belarus, Britain, Denmark, Ireland and Russia. About 119,000 children worldwide are born each year with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), a new report finds.The syndrome refers to a group of conditions that include poor […]

A study suggests that people who abuse alcohol also boost their risk of three cardiac conditions


Study Ties Alcohol Abuse to Increased Heart Risks. By Randy Dotinga. medlineplus.gov.January 03, 2017. Association similar to that from high blood pressure, smoking, obesity and diabetes, researchers say. A new study suggests that people who abuse alcohol also boost their risk of three cardiac conditions: atrial fibrillation, heart attack and congestive heart failure. The possible […]

During the holiday season, alcohol-related accidents and deaths are a part of the festivities


Alcohol Can Be a Risky Guest at Holiday Parties. By Mary Elizabeth Dallas. medlineplus.gov. December 11, 2016. Don’t pressure people to drink and make sure those who are imbibing have a designated driver.During the holiday season, gatherings and parties are a part of the festivities. Unfortunately, so are alcohol-related accidents and deaths.Many people who attend […]

A blood test on future mothers may help identify infants at risk for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder


Blood Test May Spot Babies at Risk for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov. November 09, 2016. Study singled out infants who showed physical, mental signs of exposure. A blood test on expectant mothers may help identify infants at risk for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), according to a new study. Fetal alcohol spectrum […]

Study suggests alcohol might harm brain, body even if one stops abusing by age 30


Heavy Drinking While Young May Mean Hefty Health Tab Later. medlineplus.gov.* November 02, 2016. Study suggests alcohol might harm brain, body even if one stops abusing by age 30.  Young adults who are problem drinkers tend to suffer from more health problems later in life than non-drinkers, even if they conquered their alcoholism years earlier, […]

If you are drinking, the people around you can influence how drunk you think you are


Drunk as the Company You Keep?. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov.* September 14, 2016. Perceptions of your intoxication influenced by how much those around you are drinking, study finds. If you’re drinking, the people around you can influence how drunk you think you are, a new British study suggests.Researchers assessed more than 1,800 drinkers, average age […]

Heavy drinking may increase the risk of lung problems, a new study suggests


Heavy Drinking Might Harm the Lungs. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov. August 05, 2016. Alcohol appears to reduce levels of a protective respiratory gas, study finds.  Heavy drinking may increase the risk of lung problems, a new study suggests. "Alcohol appears to disrupt the healthy balance in the lung," said study lead author Dr. Majid Afshar, […]

Chronic heavy alcohol consumption may lead to an increase in the rate of nicotine metabolism


Why Heavy Drinking Seems to Boost Desire to Smoke More. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov. May 18, 2016. Study sheds light on how alcohol habit may make it harder to overcome nicotine addiction. The reason alcoholics struggle to stop smoking may be because their heavy drinking speeds up how quickly their body breaks down nicotine, a […]

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