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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología


Code of Conduct of Sertox.com.ar


1. 1. Authority All medical information presented in Sertox. com. ar is responsibility of some of the members of the Sertox. In RETEL are included the curriculum vitae of Juan Carlos Piola, Dora Beatriz Prada, Marcela Evangelista and Daniel Carlos Ezpeleta, professional of the staff of Sertox (to see Editorial Committee). The articles of concurrent […]



We have: Toxicologict specialized books Collections of WHO magazines Data Bases for bibliography research Own publishing Specialized and up to date bibliography Information is available for consulting in our service. See some examples of our material: Up to date publishing about Clínica Médica, Fisiología, Farmacología, Pediatría, Dermatología, etc. CIE 10. Etc.Numerosas publicaciones de OPS. OMS. […]

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