Logo Sertox

Portal latinoamericano de toxicología


2 October, 2004

Yearly Sertox prepares an article that analize data from it’s audience. Data is collected from individual froms filled handly and procesed by our original software Rectox®, which many argentinian and latinoamerican toxicological centers use by nor.

Information distinguish "total consults" from "individual episodes". From these last, the clasification includes "intoxications", "no intoxications" and advice.

Completed information it’s available in Spanish.

The article includes this information:

1. Patients information

Sex and age

People aged between 1 and 9 years
Motivation (accidents, suicide attempts, and others) and sex
Other motivations distinguished

2.Time information

Day of the week



Latency from intoxication and medical atention

3.Toxic agent Information

Phisics caracteristics or toxic presentations


Kind of Toxic: drug, no drug and complex (mixed of drug and no drug)

Drug description

No drug description

Home products description.

Description of plaguicides used at home

4.Clinic episode

Way of intoxication

Grado de la sintomatología
Con o sin síntomas.
Descripción de síntomas predominantes.
Curso de la intoxicación: aguda o crónica.
Tipo de tratamiento recibido.

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