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Scientists have discovered a gene which counteracts the effects of ricine

3 December, 2011
Scientists deal a blow to terrorism as they close in on antidote to deadly poison ricin. By Daily Mail Reporter. December 1, 2011. An antidote to ricin – one of the world’s deadliest poisons – could be developed after scientists discovered a key gene which provides immunity. Ricin has been used in bioweapons by terrorist groups such as al Qaeda and was used to kill Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov, who was stabbed in the ankle with a contaminated umbrella. But now scientists have discovered a gene which counteracts the effects of the poison, which is made from crushing castor oil beans.
Read also in Cordis,  2011-12-19: Scientists solve ricin riddle using new technology

Scientists have discovered a gene which counteracts the effects of ricine
Semillas de ricino
Experiments on mouse cells found those without the protein, known as Gpr107, were immune to the lethal effects of the plant poison.

Dr Ulrich Elling, of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, said: ‘Our research suggests a specific antidote could now be developed by making a small molecule to block the Gpr107 protein.’

The discovery reported in Cell was made using a revolutionary technology that combines stem cell biology and modern screening methods.

It follows a warning in August that Al Quaida was producing bombs containing ricin to attack shopping centres, airports and train stations.

Since the First World War ricin has had a gruesome reputation as a bioweapon. Even a tiny amount can kill a person within two to three days after getting into the bloodstream.

And it comes from the humble castor oil bean, a powerful laxative, used medicinally for centuries, that is available in many health food shops and online. So far no antidote is available.

But the protein Gpr107 has been found to be essential for ricin to kill thanks to revolutionary technology that allowed the researchers to unravel the toxic effect of ricin.

They were able to simultaneously test the poison in thousands of mouse stem cells and discovered it was ineffective on those without the Gpr107 protein.

Study co author Prof Josef Penninger added: ‘The possible uses of this discovery are endless. They range from fundamental issues, like which genes are necessary for the proper function of a heart muscle cell, to concrete applications as we have done in the case of ricin toxicity.’

His team is already working on its next projects, including studies on how tumor cells acquire resistance to chemotherapy, a key issue in the development of cancer, and how nerve cells can regenerate, to offer hope in cases of paraplegia.
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