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Residency/PhD program in veterinary toxicology in Iowa State University, USA

18 October, 2011
The Department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine (VDPAM), College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University has an opening for a either a combined residency/PhD program in veterinary toxicology or straight path to a PhD without residency. The program will provide interested veterinarians with a solid, broad base training in toxicology through diagnostic casework, course work, seminars, and research. The goal of the program is to produce well-trained, board eligible toxicologists (American Board of Veterinary Toxicology and American Board of Toxicology) who are market ready in a variety of capacities to ensure human, animal and environmental health. Successful graduates can pursue careers in academia, industry or government. 
Residency/PhD program in veterinary toxicology in Iowa State University, USA
IOWA, vet med
The residency program is designed to be completed within 3 years. Opportunity to concurrently pursue a PhD degree is negotiable.  Completion of the PhD degree (straight path) is likely to require a minimum of 4 years.  Qualified applicants will have a DVM or equivalent degree in veterinary medicine, demonstrate a desire for a career in veterinary toxicology and have excellent communication skills. A minimum of 1 year of practice or research experience is desirable.  Areas of active research in the department include various topics in applied veterinary toxicology in livestock and investigations into the role of the environment in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease.

Individuals interested in the combined residency/PhD program in veterinary toxicology should submit (1) a letter of intent stating interests and career goals, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) transcripts from veterinary schools, and (4) three letters of recommendation to:  Ms. Courtney Witte, Department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine 2203 Lloyd Vet Med Center, Ames, Iowa  50011-1250 or by e-mail at cwitte@iastate.edu.

Individuals interested in the straight path to a PhD program may apply either through the toxicology or through the neuroscience programs. Relevant application information can be accessed at:  http://www.neuroscience.iastate.edu/application.

Please contact Dr. Wilson Rumbeiha   rumbeiha@iastate.edu  with questions about the position and program.

The position will remain open until filled.

Iowa State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.College of Veterinary Medicine.VDPAM Administration-Department of Veterinary Diagnostic  and Production Animal Medicine.2203 Lloyd Vet Med Center.  Ames, Iowa  50011-1250  

Sent by Guillermo Pérez Jimeno

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