Logo Sertox

Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

October 2017

1 September, 2017
N° 4 – October 2017
Monthly Electronic Newsletter of Sertox (Latin-American Portal of Toxicology) – Year 1
October 2017Last month we were surprised by the European food fraud of fipronil-contaminated eggs, which was the focus of our editorial and logo. This topic led us to write a Minieditorial in Spanish, entitled eggs contaminated with fipronil, where we said that this new food crisis had just begun, so new related news was expected. In fact, we have already raised several in that number and followed a few more this month. This month, the regulatory surprise also came from Europe: in April we raised that For ECHA glyphosate is not carcinogenic. Thanks to a research from the Guardian, we learned that the EU report on the safety of glyphosate is a copy of the Monsanto study. The EU Food Safety Agency (EFSA) said that glyphosate is a safe herbicide, but the report pages were identical to those of the herbicide manufacturer  study (a copy and paste). This was a contribution of Ana Digón, who this month gave us several more news. For this reason is dedicated the logo to her. Thamks. Until next month. JCP
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