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New York: Two Cases of Botulism Linked to Non-Refrigerated Fresh Bulk Tofu

4 April, 2012
Tofu suspected of giving botulism to two people in Queens. nydailynews.com. March 31, 2012.Botulism is a rare but potentially fatal foodborne illness.Two people got botulism – a rare but potentially fatal foodborne illness – after buying tofu at a store in Flushing.The city Health Department said in a release Friday evening that it confirmed one case of the potent form of food poisoning, and suspected another case.Both of the afflicted are Chinese-speaking Queens residents who recently bought fresh, unrefrigerated bulk tofu from Flushing market. The tofu was not made at the store, and its source is under investigation, the Health Department release states.
New York: Two Cases of Botulism Linked to Non-Refrigerated Fresh Bulk Tofu
Kinugoshi Tofu

"This kind of tofu — commonly sold in an open, water-filled bin — is highly suspected to be the source of these cases; however it has not yet been confirmed," the release states.
Fresh, unrefrigerated tofu is used to make fermented tofu and is an ingredient in a popular Chinese dish called chou doufu, or stinky tofu. Anyone who has bought this variety of tofu is urged to throw it away, even if they cooked it, because the toxic spores can survive cooking.
A Health Department spokewoman said neither patient has died of the illness, but declined to comment on their condition. She also declined to name the Flushing store where the two bought the tofu.
"We’re still investigating the origin and destinations of the tofu, and because of that we aren’t disclosing the name of the store," she said.
Botulism impairs the body’s nervous system. Symptoms of botulism include blurred or double vision, weakness or paralysis, poor reflexes, and difficulty swallowing, speaking or breathing. The symptoms usually show up 12 to 36 hours after eating the offending food, but they can also emerge days later. If you ate fermented tofu and experience these symptoms, contact a doctor immediately.New York City has seen only one other case of foodborne botulism in the past 15 years.
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