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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

New articles in Retel (14 & 15 edition)

30 April, 2008
  • Ecotoxicological evaluation of Pochonia chlamydosporia var. catenulata in terrestrial invertebrates.García L, Melchor G, Domínguez Y, Rodríguez H, Pino O and Hidalgo L. Abstract. PDF Full text. (Ed 14)
  • Editorial 14 (only available in Spanish)
  • Validation of an analytical procedure for the determination of alkaline and alkaline- earth metals in mices´serum.Alvarez M, Cañizares ME, Curbelo A, González B, Rivero Y y Thomas A. Abstract. (Ed 15)
  • Cations cuantification in serum from NMRI mice trated with acrylamide and N. Butyl cyanoacrylate. Cañizares ME y Alvarez M. Abstract.

New articles in Retel (14 & 15 edition)
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