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Mesothelioma: do you know this disease?

18 October, 2009
Struggle in Brazil against attempts coming from the asbestos industry to withdraw the law that banned asbestos in the State of São Paulo.
Fernanda Giannassi sends us this new on the oncaming campaign to raise awareness on asbestos related deseases. "It will be also a day of protest against the attempt coming from  the asbestos-cement industry + the worker unions pro-asbestos to ammend the state law to create a "transition period" of 10 years to enforce the law that banned asbestos in the sate of Sao Paulo and upheld by the Supreme Court of the country…."The leaflet about the campaign is available at the site of Brasil’s National Cancer Institute (INCA) (see http://www.inca.gov.br/inca/Arquivos/publicacoes/Folder_Mesotelioma.pdf )
Mesothelioma: do you know this disease?
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