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Looking for a paper from Karalliedde

27 February, 2008
 Ana Belem Piña-Guzmán,  PhD student  CINVESTAV-IPN, México. I am a PhD student at the Center for Toxicology Research and Advanced Studies (Instituto Nacional  Politecnico) in Mexico. My line is research on the effects of organophosphate pesticides. I am interested in getting the articles of Dr. Karalliedde, but there is one of the  year 1989 (Karalliedde L, Senanayake N. Organophosphorus insecticide poisoning. Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry 1999; 11: 1-9), which I can not achieve.  So I think  that if Dr. Piola published  a paper in collaboration with him,may be he can  have the e-mail adress of Dr Karalliedde.
Answer: with  the help of Michael Eddlestone and with the permission of Dr. Karalliedde,  we could  send  the address to Ana. Thanks to both.
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