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Lead contamination in Abra Pampa

27 November, 2007
Metal Huasi: An Open Wound in Abra Pampa, Jujuy, Argentina. August 2006.Mines & Communities Website, Metals foundry Metal Huasi operated in Abra Pampa, in the Jujuy Puna (in the extreme north of Argentina, some 10,000 feet above sea level) throughout the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s. Lead and other metals from the Pirquitas mine, in the department of Rinconada, were processed there to be sent via train to Bolivia. The foundry was initially built outside of town, but as the years went on, the city of Abra Pampa grew to surround the metals foundry with a densely populated neighborhood. One of the reasons for the growth of the city was the abrupt closure of the Pirquitas mine in 1986, generating an extremely serious social crisis. "Many of the people went to Abra Pampa, and there was no way to house them all. The city grew without controls. They were difficult times," remembers Father Quique.[ See ]
Lead contamination in Abra Pampa
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