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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

July 2019

1 June, 2019
N° 25 – July 2019
Monthly Electronic Newsletter of Sertox (Latin-American Portal of Toxicology) – Year 3
July 2019
In Argentina, the Supreme Court of Justice rejected a claim by the mining company Barrick Gold and confirmed the constitutionality of the Glaciers Law, which sets limits to polluting extractive activity in protected areas. It is remembered among its foundations, that the standard aims to protect "the glaciers and the periglacial environment, as a strategic reserve of water resources for human consumption, for agriculture and as water suppliers for the recharge of watersheds," and warn that "no interpretation is constitutionally admissible if it empties the federal model of the State or the environmental project of the Constitution." With this ruling, 44 projects close to ice bodies in different provinces are now in doubt, so we thought that news are the most important of the month and we dedicated the logo of this bulletin (Read more in spanish article: The glaciers are not touched: the Supreme Court of Justice rejected the Barrick Gold proposal).Read more articles. Until next month. JCP
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