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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

From Venezuela

29 April, 2008
Aura Blanco. Venezuelan Nurse. (April 2008). I was reviewing your Website: very interesting! I would love to have (maybe you could send to me?) a list of agents with which children may be poisoned as well as their respective antidote. A month ago a child aged 6 was admitted in our emergency service after having eaten a paraffin and almond oil’s reductive massage cream. He arrived with cyanosis (eggplant color that in minutes went into black), the blood like chocolate, respiratory distress, apnea, seizures. At first we did not find a single methylene blue ampoule and when we did, we failed to find out how to use it. The baby was sent to another facility to be properly treated. Therefore, I was given the task of making a list of antidotes and their indications (dosage, application, etc) for primary response. See our answer in Read more.
Answer: We recommend you to read “The handbook of poisoning agents for primary care”, which is available among our links (In Spanish). Antidotes are essential only in a small number of poisonings. We think that it would be good to seek advice, monitoring and supervision in some of the Poisons Centers of your country, which could be done – most of the time- by phone.
Aura replied us: Thank you. A refresher course of toxicology for nurses and medical residents is taking place. We are working with protocols and we’ve got a “fat” book of toxicology. Kisses and bless you all.

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