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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

From JP Ruffino

23 September, 2007
Inhalants abuse. Janet F. Williams, Michael Storck, and the Committee on Substance Abuse and and Committee on Native American Child Health.  PEDIATRICS Volume 119, Number 5, May 2007.
Inhalant abuse is the intentional inhalation of a volatile substance for the purpose of achieving an altered mental state. As an important, yet-underrecognized form of substance abuse, inhalant abuse crosses all demographic, ethnic, and socioeconomic boundaries, causing significant morbidity and mortality in school-aged and older children. This clinical report reviews key aspects of inhalant abuse, emphasizes the need for greater awareness, and offers advice regarding the pediatrician’s role in the prevention and management of this substance abuse problem.
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From JP Ruffino
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