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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

From Guayaquil, Ecuador

8 January, 2008
Jorge Gaibor. CITOX,  Guayaquil- Ecuador. 05/01/08.  Do receive our best wishes. We have a 24 hr service since September 1st 2007. We have a good communitarian reception and now we are spreading out our telephone number. Belonging to the ER of a hospital, we admit about 60 intoxicated patients monthly. We always have news: the kind of consultation varies and so does the reason for admittance. Among the patients, we have attended some because of ingestion of firecrackers and flares; we have treated them with sustaining measures, in some cases with activated charcoal and analytic control. I think they just "tried".Answer: congratulations. Recently we had a FAQ on the subject (See in Spanish). We remain at your orders for any contribution you need.
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