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Free book: The Fire Dogs of Climate Change

30 July, 2009
The Fire Dogs of Climate Change – An inspirational call to action. August 2009. This climate action book contains stories, fact sheets and examples from around the world – of political action, sustainable living and technology – to inspire your heart, mind and hands to take action.  It is suitable for adults and youth.To download of a free e-copy of the bookclick on http://www.box.net/shared/static/abddkxjx49.pdf
Free book: The Fire Dogs of Climate Change
Review in current issue of Green Spirit, UK environment magazine

Sally Andrew is a sublime storyteller. Her brand of delightful whimsicality is so captivating that I predict she is headed for literary fame in the coming years  –  and not only in her homeland of South Africa, either. Meanwhile, right now, her energy and passion are channelled into raising awareness about climate change and the need for urgent action to avoid eco-catastrophe. With this clever and unusual blend of stories and ‘facts sheets’ she aims to inspire her readers into action rather than to shock or scare them. It is a good formula and one that I believe really works. I recommend that you buy multiple copies of this little book and spread them around.

Marlan Van Eyk McCain
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