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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

February 2018

1 January, 2018
N° 8 – February 2018
Monthly Electronic Newsletter of Sertox (Latin-American Portal of Toxicology) – Year 1
February 2018
The killing of 34 copies of condors in Mendoza, in January of this year, surpasses all the bad things seen before. The carbofurán is also another frequent protagonist of sad news in our portal. In fact, this month we also regret a lethal poisoning in Alvear, of a 2-year-old boy with furadan used as bait in cookies (See in Spanish).
If in Argentina the necessary measures are not taken to end this calamity, we will stop having to publish this news, only when these admirable birds have become extinct. For this we dedicate the logo of this newsletter. There are other news that can liked you. Until the next number. JCP
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