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Experience on lactrodectus in Sonora

7 August, 2007
Norberto Sotelo, Internal Medicine Head. Infantile Hospital of the State of Sonora, Mexico.
I had opportunity to see by Internet the presentation about  “Experience of SERTOX in spider envenenomation”  (Juan Carlos Piola) in Peru,  in July 2007. I observed with approval that included an appointment ours (Blak widow spider envenomation in children), Rev Mex Pediatr 2005; 72 (1): 31-35) I am thankful for this. In this occasion, I allow myself to send you the experience  in our Infantile Hospital of the State of Sonora, with the desire that it will be useful to you: “Lactrodectus Mactans spider envenomation in children – Blak widow.Clinical characteristic and treatment. Gac Méd Méx Vol.142, Nº 2, 2006”.
Note: we are thankful. indeed. Please, see the articles,  only available in Spanish
Experience on lactrodectus in Sonora
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