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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Epidemiology of poisoning in Venezuela

29 April, 2008
Marisela Diaz Tremarias, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Toxicology. Faculty of Medicine. Central University of Venezuela. (April 2008). I have some students that, in trying to establish the epidemiology of poisoning at the University Hospital of Caracas, found that it is only possible by lifting information from those cases which required hospitalization, because mild cases that could be solved in emergency room, were noted in papers scrapped shortly afterwards. This situation is similar in other hospitals of our country and not just with poisonings: unfortunately, I must admit, it is not part of our medical culture to collect this information neither to keep data for statistics. These students want to design, as a contribution of his thesis, a program that allows the recording, control and following of poisoning cases in this hospital, idea which is not only good, but also much needed in my country. So, we consult now about your experience with Rectox and about legal and technical details related to this task.
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