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EPA & The Safer Choice family of labels

5 March, 2015
This Spring, Look for the Safer Choice Label. By Gina McCarthy. epa.gov. March 04, 2015.Today, we’re unveiling a new Safer Choice label, which will make it easier to find household cleaners and other home products that are safer, more environmentally friendly—and still get the job done. If you missed the video where I shared the new label, check it out here:
EPA & The Safer Choice family of labels
This follows more than a year of stakeholder and public engagement to help us with the design of a new label that better conveys the scientific rigor of EPA’s product evaluation and the benefits to people and the environment.  Thanks for all your help.
Finding products that are safer for you, your family, and the environment should be easy—that’s why EPA created the Safer Choice label. The Safer Choice label helps you identify products with safer chemical ingredients, without sacrificing quality or performance. When you see a product with the Safer Choice label, it means that every ingredient in the product has been evaluated by EPA scientists against our stringent health and safety standards.  Only the safest ingredients are allowed in products with the Safer Choice label. 
The Safer Choice family of labels includes a consumer facing version, with a house, and an optional version for industrial & institutional products.  We are also announcing a label that is available to partners as a means to substantiate fragrance-free claims on Safer Choice products.  The fragrance-free label is for consumers and purchasers that prefer or require fragrance-free products.
Safer Choice staff will be working with partners, stakeholders, and, very importantly, our Agency colleagues to build awareness of the new label among consumers and purchasers, especially in the late spring/early summer of this year, when products bearing the new label will start to appear in stores.
Again, please help us get the word out on the new Safer Choice Label by sharing with your contacts.  Thanks!

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