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Endosulfan and chlorpyrifos found in Southern Screamer dead in February in La Picasa, Santa Fe

5 April, 2012
It was determined that hundreds of Southern Screamer  were killed in February by insecticides. lacapital.com.ar. April 05, 2012. Two types of pesticides found in animals that appeared dead in  La Picasa’ lake. Provincial Environment Secretary intervened and now the case is being investigated by the courts of Rufino. After studies ordered by the Ministry of Water, Utilities and Environment, through the Environmental Management Secretary, found that the strange mass mortality of screamers detected a month ago in the area of Lake La Picasa was due, such as suspected, to poisoning with pesticides. Rufino is processed in the relevant complaint, filed by the province.
Endosulfan and chlorpyrifos found in Southern Screamer dead in February in  La Picasa, Santa Fe
Familia chajá
Over one hundred specimens of this species (Southern Screamer -Chauna torquata, also known as the Crested Screamer- See in WP),appeared lifeless beside the stream, near the town of San Gregorio, in the department General Lopez . In this situation, the Ministry of Environment sent a mobile laboratory to sample and perform a necropsy and tests to determine the factors affecting the phenomenon. In turn, staff from the Ministries of Production and Water, conducted inspections in the area near the lake on the marketing, provision and use of pesticides in lots near the site of the find, according to a statement.
In this context, the Secretary of Environmental Management, Edgardo Seguro, reported that the first results of the analysis determined the compatibility with poisoning. "The autopsy indicated the presence of residual legume and we will wait from  the test results to determine if the death resulted from the use of items allowed or not, or coincided with some spraying regardless of screamers community very close to fed crops, "said Insurance as soon as the phenomenon was detected.
In this regard, the Secretary of Natural Resources, Ricardo Biasatti, said that while "we show histopathology tissue irritation that is compatible with an acute intoxication", the toxicological analysis of the contents of the digestive tract of birds tested "show the presence of two insecticide: endosulfan and chlorpyrifos "(see later).
He said that the application of these insecticides "are allowed, but there are severe restrictions on the mode of application and use," and added that "while the Environment staff returned to the scene and its zone of influence" in order "to assess the relationship with the possible application of biocides."
At this level, Biasatti explained that "asked about stockpiling, marketing channels and applications related to the date on which occurred the death of birds," since this aspect of the problem is directly linked to production practices in surrounding fields. For this intervention was the Ministry of Production to inquire about it and can find those responsible.
In court. The province made the claim for the seat of the Criminal Court of Rufino of whether it was an accident or a criminal situation, and appended to the file the results of the studies. Meanwhile, "at the Ministry of Environment, are continuous with corresponding administrative actions," said Biasatti.
"The sense of bringing to justice intervention was for assessing the relevance of framing what happened from the legal point of view and eventually implement existing legislation and the sanctions to whom it may concern," says an official report.
The pesticides  detected are used in homes and in fields
Laboratory tests made on samples taken from dead screamers revealed that the  animals had poisoned with endosulfan and chlorpyrifos, two toxic pesticides commonly used to control pests in crops and in homes.The first is an insecticide and acaricide highly acutely toxic and has therefore been banned in over 50 countries including the European Union and several nations in Asia and West Africa.This pesticide is responsible for many fatal incidents worldwide and is also a synthetic substance that mimics strogenic effects -or enhances the effects of estrogen, and can act as an endocrine disruptor, causing reproductive harm and development in animals and humans . It is still under debate whether endosulfan can cause cancer.Chlorpyrifos is an insecticide used to control insect pests in homes and on farms. It is moderately toxic and chronic exposure has been linked to neurological, developmental disorders and autoimmune disorders.
Read more in Spanish article (Translate by Sertox)
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