Embrión de Pollo: Un modelo con cardiovideograma para el estudio de la toxicidad experimental inducida por Thevetia peruviana.
nº28 [mar - abril 10] Retel19/04/2010
Diana Sequera, José Miguel Ercolino, Marco Álvarez*.
Sección de Microscopia Electrónica, Instituto Anatómico “José Izquierdo”, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
*Autor de correspondencia: Dr. Marco Álvarez. Telf: 00582-6053439. Email: marco.alvarez@ucv.ve
*Autor de correspondencia: Dr. Marco Álvarez. Telf: 00582-6053439. Email: marco.alvarez@ucv.ve
Los estudios sobre la cardiotoxicidad inducida por agentes químicos se han visto fortalecidos con la aplicación de métodos de registro de señales cardiogenicas. En el presente trabajo se utilizó un método definido en nuestro laboratorio como Cardiovideograma (CVG), reforzado con el análisis de imágenes, para ilustrar con el modelo cardiaco de embrión de pollo “in vivo”, la cardiotoxicidad inducida por el extracto acuoso de la semilla de Thevetia peruviana, una planta ornamental de severa acción toxica. Los resultados mostraron que el extracto acuoso de Thevetia peruviana induce la reducción en un 70,49% de Frecuencia Cardíaca Promedio (FCP), calculada en pulsaciones por minuto (P/min), a través de la medición de las variaciones de luminosidad en los intervalos entre los puntos máximos de ésta variación. Estos cambios se encontraron vinculados con un mayor nivel sistólico en la porción ventricular (V) y del Tronco Arterioso (TA) y con un menor nivel sistólico en la porción auricular (A) en comparación a la condición control. Se demostró que la cardiotoxicidad inducida por el extracto acuoso de Thevetia peruviana puede ser claramente analizada en el modelo cardíaco de embrión de pollo, fortalecido con un método de registro como el Cardiovideograma (CVG), lo cual resulta una alternativa para el estudio de la cardiotoxicidad de muchos otros agentes tóxicos de similar potencialidad cardiotoxica.
Palabras claves: Embrión de pollo, cardiotoxicidad, contractilidad miocárdica, Cardiovideograma (CVG), Thevetia peruviana.
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Palabras claves: Embrión de pollo, cardiotoxicidad, contractilidad miocárdica, Cardiovideograma (CVG), Thevetia peruviana.
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TOXICITY INDUCED BY Thevetia Peruvians.
Studies on the cardiotoxicity induced by chemical agents have been strengthened through the use of cardiogenic signals registration methods. In this study we used a method, defined in our laboratory as Cardiovideogram (CVG), reinforced with image analysis, to illustrate “in vivo” chick embryo heart the cardiotoxicity induced by aqueous extract of Thevetia Peruvians seeds, an ornamental plant with severe toxic action. The results showed that the aqueous extract of Thevetia Peruvians seeds induces Average Heart Rate (AHR) reduction in 70.49% measured in beats per minute (P/ min) through variations of brightness measurement in intervals between the peaks of this variation. These changes were associated
with a higher Ventricular (V) and Truncus Arteriosus (TA) systolic level and a lower Atrial (A) systole level, compared to the control condition. It was shown that the cardiotoxicity induced by the aqueous extract of Thevetia Peruvians seed can be clearly analyzed in chick embryo cardiac model, strengthened with Cardiovodeogram (CVG) which is an alternative recording method for study of many other toxic agents with cardiotoxic potentially.
Key words: chick embryo, cardiotoxicity, myocardial contractility, cardiovideogram (CVG), Thevetia Peruvians
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Studies on the cardiotoxicity induced by chemical agents have been strengthened through the use of cardiogenic signals registration methods. In this study we used a method, defined in our laboratory as Cardiovideogram (CVG), reinforced with image analysis, to illustrate “in vivo” chick embryo heart the cardiotoxicity induced by aqueous extract of Thevetia Peruvians seeds, an ornamental plant with severe toxic action. The results showed that the aqueous extract of Thevetia Peruvians seeds induces Average Heart Rate (AHR) reduction in 70.49% measured in beats per minute (P/ min) through variations of brightness measurement in intervals between the peaks of this variation. These changes were associated
with a higher Ventricular (V) and Truncus Arteriosus (TA) systolic level and a lower Atrial (A) systole level, compared to the control condition. It was shown that the cardiotoxicity induced by the aqueous extract of Thevetia Peruvians seed can be clearly analyzed in chick embryo cardiac model, strengthened with Cardiovodeogram (CVG) which is an alternative recording method for study of many other toxic agents with cardiotoxic potentially.
Key words: chick embryo, cardiotoxicity, myocardial contractility, cardiovideogram (CVG), Thevetia Peruvians
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