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Concern about DDT use against malaria

22 June, 2009
Unprecedented Use Of DDT Concerns Experts. medicalnewstoday. May 06, 2009.A panel of experts and citizens convened to review recent studies on the link between DDT and human health expressed concern that the current practice of spraying the pesticide indoors to fight malaria is leading to unprecedented – and insufficiently monitored – levels of exposure to it. Although DDT has been largely abandoned as an agricultural pesticide worldwide, its use to combat malaria was endorsed in 2006 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and by officials in the President’s Malaria Initiative, a program led by the U.S. Agency for International Development, which was launched by former President George W. Bush in 2005. According to WHO, in 2006 alone there were 247 million cases of and 880,000 deaths from malaria. Most of the deaths were of young children in Africa. [ See ]
Concern about DDT use against malaria
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