Concentración urinaria de zinc en dos poblaciones de trabajadores de la minería artesanal del oro, Antioquía, Colombia
n°12 [mar-may 2007] RetelMolina, Carlos Federico1; Suárez, Ana Maria1; Cuesta, Fanny2
2. Ingeniera Química, Jefa del Departamento.
Correspondencia a:
Fanny Cuesta.
Se midió la concentración urinaria de zinc mediante absorción atómica con llama, en orina de 24 horas de 148 trabajadores mineros del municipio de Amalfi y 67 trabajadores de Segovia, con el fin de establecer comparaciones.
En Amalfi un 80.4% de la población estudiada tenía concentraciones inferiores y un 0,6% tenía cifras superiores a los valores de referencia. En Segovia, el 55.2% de la población tenía concentraciones inferiores y el 10,4% tenía cifras superiores a los valores de referencia, diferencia que resulta estadísticamente significativa.
Se deben hacer estudios adicionales para evaluar el impacto clínico que el exceso de zinc pudiera tener en la población minera de Segovia.
Palabras claves: Minería a pequeña escala,
concentración urinaria de Zinc, Antioquia, Colombia
Urinary zinc levels in two populations of workers of the
mining on small scale of gold, Antioquía, Colombia.
Zinc is used concomitantly with cyanide in the recovery of
the auriferous residues; it has been related to the neuronal
death and haematologic disturbances. This study evaluates
the workers of two locations of the department of Antioquia,
Colombia. The municipality of Amalfi where the mining operation
is of the type of alluvium without using cyanide and zinc,
and in the locality of Segovia where the operations are of
underground type is made by means of precipitation technique
with zinc and cyanide.
148 workers in the location of Amalfi and 67 in the Segovia
location were evaluated, in which the excreted zinc levels
were measured in urine of 24 hours with the purpose of establishing
and comparing their level of zinc exposition.
An 80,4% workers who showed zinc deficit were observed in
the locality of Amalfi, whereas in Segovia this percentage
was of 55, 2%. However, the high zinc levels was 10, 4% in
workers of Segovia, whereas in the location of Amalfi was
of 0, 6%. This difference is statistically significant.
These results suggest the need to evaluate the clinical impact
that the excess of zinc could have in the mining population
of Segovia.
Keywords: Mining on small scale, urinary zinc levels,
Antioquía. Colombia.