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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Code of Conduct of Sertox.com.ar

2 October, 2004

1. 1. Authority

All medical information presented in Sertox. com. ar is responsibility of some of the members of the Sertox. In RETEL are included the curriculum vitae of Juan Carlos Piola, Dora Beatriz Prada, Marcela Evangelista and Daniel Carlos Ezpeleta, professional of the staff of Sertox (to see Editorial Committee). The articles of concurrent at service are corrected and vouched by the staff. Though this "Editorial Committee" is mentioned only for RETEL, is the same one for all the web. We emphasize that also we count on two editorial external referee, María Inés Picollo and J. Ariel Perez.

Sertox is a Team of Toxicology’Specialists that from Rosario (Ar), offers information, advice and assistance about poisoning. Our centre gives its services to the community in a personal way or over telephone lines at all hours and the whole year through. Through its web incorporates also this modality (mail) to respond to the questions of the visitors. Its main mission is to diffuse the experience of the group in the theme in different areas: Assistance, Advice, Extension and Teaching, Research work and our own Library. The information provided is destined to professionals of the Medical Sciences (includes toxicologists) , students and public in general. For the level of the public in general is arranged of educational materials, some of the annotations, gallery of images and the FAQ section. Research section, Retel and and e sertox bulletin are oriented toward the environment professional. You can expand this information in What is Sertox?
"The information provided on Sertox.com.ar is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician." In our answers to the visitors frequently we suggest that some assistance is better to carry out for other media (telephone or personal) and we derive to Poison Centers close to its residence.

3. Confidentiality
Sertox. com. ar respects the confidentiality of the data relating to patient and visiting, including its personal identity. Sertox compromise to respect and to exceed the legal requirements of privacy of the medical information or of health that applies in Argentina. The confidential, private or semi-private information, as the e-mail addresses and the contents of e-mails remain in the hands of the Publisher and the webmaster and are not diffused

4. Attribution, References and Updating.
Sertox. com. ar is brought up to date weekly, when there is not changes in a week the information is left as was the previous week. For all the articles figures the date of inclusion in the page and of making of the same one (when are different). Periodically we revise some of the articles and we incorporate the new date. Any visitor to our page knows about the permanent updating of this place, for example the incorporation of the monthly electronic bulletins (e sertox in Spanish and English) that includes information brought up to date and permanent incorporation of links recommended and the maintenance of the FAQ. The information overturned in Sertox. com. ar is almost in their totality originating in our service and are mentioned in each article the bibliographical sources utilized. When the information is of another origin, especially in educational papers, causes its origin is evident and the date in which was incorporated al place. All the links of images are mentioned with the corresponding link. RETEL has the format of an electronic magazine to diffuse the contribute of other toxicologist of the world.

5 – Justifiability
Sertox. com. ar does not carry out commercial promotions of no chemical product neither medical products. Only an own software is promoted (Rectox) carried out in the Service for the registration and statistical of toxicologist assistance.

6. Transparency of Authorships

The valid e-mail address or a bond to carry out a contact is available in the page of start of Sertox. com. ar and is easily accessible in all the entry. The publisher responds to the sent messages directly by e-mail in a not upper time limit at two o’clock weeks of his reception.

7 – Transparency of Sponsorship
Sertox. com. ar does not receive any external source of financing and is financed and maintains with own resources.

8 – Honesty in advertising & editorial policy
Sertox. com. ar does not receive neither arranges of external publicity in its page, for which is not necessary to distinguish the content of the page. If in the future this page incorporates publicity we compromise to identifying it with the word "Publicity" or a similar identification on the sponsor. Due to the lack of external publicity the content of our entry is not influenced for no sponsor (we are independent of any commercial interest). If it wants to help us to maintenance of the entry (in form of sponsor, to be announced, contribution), do not doubt in being put in contact with us to our mail.
If they were incorporated the banners by a service of hosting free (" banners of exchange") ours webmasters should indicate clearly in the politics of publicity that proper al hosting free, the supplier includes a banner commercial in the place web that remains out of the control of the publisher of the web.

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