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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Chemical Safety Rap

8 April, 2004

Composed by Eric Weiner

Chemical Safety Rap
Chemical Safety in a Vulnerable World

It’s a beautiful planet that we live on

The place where we’re born, grow up, and raise kids on

Forests, oceans, canyon walls

Archipelagos and waterfalls

It’s the home to every man, boy, woman, and girl

But it’s a sacred, fragile, vulnerable world

And everywhere around us there are chemicals

(echo: chemicals)

Some for production, some strictly medical

Some for transportation, some for vaccination

Disinfection of water and a lotta sanitation

And though chemical use may have its benefits

Chemical use also creates risk

From your friends and neighbors to nameless strangers

Everybody is exposed to chemical dangers

From the oldest man alive to the littlest baby

We all can learn a lot about chemical safety

Chemical Safety – it’s important to learn

Chemical Safety – it’s a dire concern

The universe is the oyster of our wonderful pearl

We need Chemical Safety in a Vulnerable World

Across the globe, across the nations

There’s some high-risk, sensitive populations

And instead of concentratin’ on buildin’ wealth

We need to concentrate on our children’s health

Fetuses and small children are the most relevant

Because they’re neurological systems are developin’

And with gender issues, it’s a whole different game

Effects on men and women are not the same

Studies have shown that on the female sex

Some pesticides may have reproductive effects

Another group that’s at risk to be damaged

Are the economically and socially disadvantaged

Along with migrant workers who are placed right

Next to industrial areas and toxic waste sites

All these high risk groups can benefit greatly

If they get educated ‘bout chemical safety

Sécurité chimique – apprendre est important

Sécurité chimique – un souci permanent

The universe is the oyster of our wonderful pearl

We need Chemical Safety in a Vulnerable World

I know people now want to scream and shout it

“What exactly can we do about it?”

It’s up to the community, teachers, and parents

To get out there and raise the public awareness

‘Bout hazardous toxins, get peoples’ attention

To promote training and to promote prevention

To educate workers who may expose themselves

To hazardous chemicals that can damage their health

We gotta look at pesticides in rural environments

Start collectin data, and then start applyin’ it

I’m not lyin’, we gotta make this a priority

Increasin’ our knowledge, speakin’ out to the authorities

Changin’ legislature, changin’ policy

Changin’ our behavior, change is all we need

It’s up to us, if we teach safety

What a wonderful world this could be

Seguridad Quimica – importante aprender

Seguridad Quimica – un esencial deber

The universe is the oyster of our wonderful pearl

We need Chemical Safety in a Vulnerable World

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