Caracterización de las intoxicaciones agudas por medicamentos consultadas al Centro Nacional de Toxicología, Cuba. 2001-2005.
n°11 [set 2006/feb 2007] RetelAdriana Mederos Gómez1, Tomasa Conill Díaz2, Maria Luisa González Valiente3 , Siro Ramírez Muñoz4.
2. Doctora en Medicina. Especialista en Higiene. Máster en Salud Ambiental.
3.Técnica Estadística de la Salud.
4. Licenciado en Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Máster en Farmacia Clínica.
Centro Nacional de Toxicología.
Dirección: Calle 114 y Ave 31. Marianao. Ciudad de la Habana.
Teléfono: 260 7821, 260 3252.
Palabras claves: intoxicaciones agudas, medicamentos, psicofármacos, carbamazepina, Cuba.
Acute Poisonings reported to the National Center of Toxicology. Cuba. 2001-2005.
At present, the wide range of drugs available worldwide,
as well as the great facility to obtain many of them, accompanied
by the unscrupulous behavior of many persons, turn medications
into a lucrative business, what lead to the inadequate use
of these agents and the increase in the number of toxic events
related to these products in recent years. Objective: To characterize
drug acute poisonings reported to the Emergency Information
Service of the National Center of Toxicology, Cuba (CENATOX).
Method: A prospective study was carried out on the requests
due to drug acute poisonings reported to CENATOX from 2001
to 2005. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, situation
and agent involved. Data were taken into account, the records
of poisoned cases reported to the information service and
Special Bulletin of Medications issued in CENATOX yearly.
Results: the female sex with 62.1% and patients over 15 years
old, with 65.4% provided the higher incidence. 60.2% of the
cases are intentional intoxication. Psychoactive drugs prevailed
within the involved agents, with 59.3%. Conclusion: Psychoactive
drugs were the most involve pharmacological group of drug
poisonings and adult females the most affected.
Key words: acute poisonings, medications, psychoactive
drugs, Cuba.