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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología


29 April, 2008
Gonzalo Alvarez. Firefighter volunteer, Valparaiso, Chile. April/2008. I work as emergency rescue operator in the Andean Division of Codelco, Chile, and I assist to all kind of emergencies within the division. We also cover the International F-60 route between the town of Los Andes to the passroad Los Libertadores, on the way to Mendoza. I could not find any site in which it can request guides response of hazardous materials like the guide CANUTEC ergo 2004, not on-line version, but written, in order to have it in our unity response. I hope you can help and guide us to find something of the kind.
Answer: we suggest you find out what is available in the CITUC (Chile) or CIQUIME (Argentina).
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