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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

August 2008

1 July, 2008
N° 63 – August 2008
Monthly Electronic Newsletter of Sertox (Latin-American Portal of Toxicology) – Year 5
August 2008Discépolo would say in Spanish "La Biblia y el  calefón", that mean, things that have nothing to do. But certainly are recurring themes: the recurrence or to appear, especially after an interval. Indeed the first item is now a standing item in our region. The soybean has become in recent years, the main crop of Argentina. On this issue is that we value the contribution of Ana Digón: "Everything you wanted to know about soybeans in community kitchens" [See, only available in Spanish]. It is also in the news: More soy foods = less sperm numbers. [See]. The sad news of the death of another teenager in our city determined the title: "Drama, four young people killed by inhalants" [See, only available in Spanish]. There are many more stories in this issue, grouped by topic. For example, Carbon monoxide: a never-ending! with the upgrade of deaths Julio/08 (over 50 across the country!). [See, only available in Spanish]. We recommended  seeing our Spanish Newsletter , since there are many developments in that language. Poisonous Plants for pet (From ASPCA) is an interesting news.  We send our congratulations to CITOX and CIATOX of Ecuador.The recommended link  this month is  on plants (Canada). Untill next number. JCP
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