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Asbestos and Related Mineral Fibers: State of the Science and Mode of Action

2 May, 2011
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews Volume 14 Issue 1 – Special Issue about  Asbestos. This new issue contains the following articles:
Multiple Modes of Action of Asbestos and Related Mineral Fibers .Maureen R. Gwinn .Pages 1 – 2
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Applying Definitions of “Asbestos” to Environmental and “Low-Dose” Exposure Levels and Health Effects, Particularly Malignant Mesothelioma .B. W. Case; J. L. Abraham; G. Meeker; F. D. Pooley; K. E. Pinkerton .Pages 3 – 39. Full Text PDF | Full Text HTML | Abstract
Morphological and Chemical Mechanisms of Elongated Mineral Particle Toxicities .Ann E. Aust; Philip M. Cook; Ronald F. Dodson.Pages 40 – 75. Full Text PDF | Full Text HTML | Abstract
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Asbestos and Related Mineral Fibers: State of the Science and Mode of Action
Pulmonary Endpoints (Lung Carcinomas and Asbestosis) Following Inhalation Exposure to Asbestos
Brooke T. Mossman *; Morton Lippmann; Thomas W. Hesterberg; Karl T. Kelsey; Aaron Barchowsky; James C. Bonner
Pages 76 – 121
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Nonpulmonary Outcomes of Asbestos Exposure
Melisa Bunderson-Schelvan; Jean C. Pfau; Robert Crouch; Andrij Holian
Pages 122 – 152
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Non-Neoplastic and Neoplastic Pleural Endpoints Following Fiber Exposure
V. Courtney Broaddus; Jeffrey I. Everitt; Brad Black; Agnes B. Kane
Pages 153 – 178
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Role of Mutagenicity in Asbestos Fiber-Induced Carcinogenicity and Other Diseases
Sarah X. L. Huang; Marie-Claude Jaurand; David W. Kamp; John Whysner; Tom K. Hei
Pages 179 – 245
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Factors that Impact Susceptibility to Fiber-Induced Health Effects
Jennifer E. Below; Nancy J. Cox; Naomi K. Fukagawa; Ari Hirvonen; Joseph R. Testa
Pages 246 – 266
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