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Article about poisonous snakes bite in northeastern Argentina with references from Sertox

1 December, 2011
Accident by  poisonous snakes bite.  Ferrari Usandizaga MF, Gallo V, Ghidini RV, Verón JO. Revista de Posgrado de la VI Cátedra de Medicina. N° 14 208 – August  2011.
Introduction: Ophidism or ophidian accident is the envenomation produced by snake bite.
Objectives: Describe the characteristics of snakebite by venomous snakes in our region, with essential reference to the accident bothropic and comparing with other snake bites. Highlight the most important aspects of treatment and prevention.
Materials and Methods: A literature search was conducted from medical search engines and websites
consulted health agencies. Development: In Argentina, there are over a hundred species, but only eleven of them are considered dangerous to humans. Bothropic accident represents 98% of all ophidic accidents. The venom of these snakes re chas are proteolytic, coagulant and hemorrhagic properties, and causes victims local and systemic effects. Clinical forms are classified in: mild, moderate and severe. Specific treatment consists of antivenom therapy. The appropriate antivenom must be selected according to severity of symptoms, not according to age or weight. Dose should be proportional to the amount of venom estimated and applied once. Blisters of 10 ml. neutralize from 25 to 40 mg. poison.
Conclusion: Health education takes on fundamental value, it is essential to disseminate prevention
tips to reduce your chances of being bitten. The recognition of species, is not essential, since the characteristics of the lesions and their evolution, guiding the diagnosis and specific treatment.
After the accident, the recognition of clinical signs is the basis for an early and appropriate treatment
to neutralize the systemic effects.
Keywords: ophidism – accident – bothropic – antivenom.

See full text and references in Spanish

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