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An e-learning course on Climate Change Diplomacy has been developed by UNITAR

23 July, 2011
An e-learning course on Climate Change Diplomacy has been developed by the Multilateral Diplomacy Programme (MDP) of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The course aims to provide the necessary training for participation in multilateral negotiations, public sector work, and diplomatic engagement in relation to climate change through an enhanced understanding of its science, international policy framework, and the key negotiation issues pertinent to reaching a post-2012 agreement.The course will begin on Monday, September 12, and will last for eight weeks (finishing on 6 November).  You can to register for the course online at http://www.unitar.org/event/climate-change-diplomacy-sept11

An e-learning course on Climate Change Diplomacy has been developed by UNITAR
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